The PCB prototype assembly process at Green Circuits follows the same best practices as our complete turnkey production PCB services. Right from the initial design and layout review to selection and acquisition of the best parts, prototype assembly and testing, our goal is to help you achieve market viability with reduced production time and cost.
Here is a brief overview of our PCB prototype assembly process.
Your PCB design and production team will benefit from our design experience, expert layout reviews and manufacturing feasibility assessments, which help avoid costly rework and market delays. While some clients take time to work out the bugs, others may take advantage of our alternate design and functionality suggestions to reduce production time and cost. Our team of industry veterans has the advanced capabilities to address your PCB issues in real time, either by phone or in person. Over 15 years of prototype assembly experience enables us to realize your product designs once your PCB layout is finalized. Read our PCB design rules to eliminate costly delays.
This ability to offer end-to-end PCB assembly solutions has helped manufacturers that partner with us to reach their customers in a timely and cost-efficient manner. We are capable of handling multilayer PCB orders and prototype requests with a wide variety of materials. Learn more about your PCB material options.
Rely on fast and efficient turnkey assembly services to manage all aspects of circuit and PCB design, parts acquisition, fabrication and assembly. To make it easier for you, we will also handle warehousing. Our ITAR and ISO-9000 Certifications ensure your prototype assembly is on schedule and to the specifications your company has approved. In the rare instance an error should surface, we will fix it promptly.
Consult our dedicated and experienced team about how to reduce your product development time and cost. We will design a cost-efficient PCB prototype assembly solution to meet your specific needs.
Request a quote for Green Circuits' quick turn PCB prototype assembly services today.
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