Green Circuits simplifies the complex process of product development by providing printed circuit board design, manufacturing and electronic assembly services under one roof - a valuable business partner for you! Companies such as Texas Instruments, Toshiba, and Freescale Semiconductor have been relying on Green Circuits, a Silicon Valley firm, to provide a full range of PCB and flex circuit prototype services since 1988.
Green makes product development more efficient with an experienced team, speedy turnaround, and design, manufacture and electronic assembly that is second to none. Green Circuits' printed circuit board services, including electronic assembly, have played a critical role in creating many innovative products over the years, from simple gadgets to advanced equipment commonly used in industry and consumers. Every aspect of Green Circuits' PCB and flex circuit operations - including our full range of design services, fabrication and electronic assembly - is done in-house.
Although Green Circuits operation is mostly automated, Green never forgets the human side of electronic assembly, PCB design, or fabrication. Outstanding customer service is one of the tenets on which Green was founded. All clients know they are free to consult with Green Circuits' assembly and engineering teams throughout all phases of their project.
Green enjoys the collaborative process and all teams focus on being responsive, flexible should specifications change on any project, and detail-oriented. Part of Green Circuits' success stems from rigorous testing of printed circuit boards throughout the creative process. Flaws are rooted out early so clients are assured their prototypes are reliable and function according to design.
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